One Lancer Family Tradition

In my opinion, Christmas is the best time of the year. People tend to be in better spirits, the outside of homes, buildings and even utility poles are all decorated in pretty lights, and it is one day of the year that most people get to be surrounded by the people they love most. Although 2020 has dragged us all through some rough times, there are some things that cannot be taken away. This Christmas things may be different, but hopefully your family has traditions to still make the year end on a great note. Even if you don’t,  it is never too late to start a new one.  

There are so many different traditions that people can start. I am lucky enough to have a super fun Christmas tradition that I want to share with all of our readers.  Maybe my family’s tradition will inspire something new for your family in 2020! My tradition is that my family has a gingerbread house competition. Every year our family all gets together and we all get one gingerbread house kit to decorate.  There are many types of kits out there, but if you aren’t familiar with these items, here’s one to view.  Once all of my family members get their houses, every person creates their own theme and then we all just decorate. We tend to get a little competitive. At the end, we get pictures of every house and assign a letter to each house. All the pictures go on facebook and we let people vote for 24 hours. At the end we count up the votes and whoever had the most is the winner. 

Although this year it will be a little different since we cannot be together. We are still having one, it is just going to be everyone doing one at their own house. We even had a competition over the summer where we did random themed houses. They even got shown on the KDKA Channel 2 News! Although it may be small, we love our competition and I cannot wait to see who will win this year!

The author shares a photo of a family gingerbread house


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