Professional Profile: Miss Bangor

Miss Lindsay Bangor is a rather new face here at Neshannock, causing her to still be an enigma to many students; however, Miss Bangor presented herself to me as an open book, and the more I read, the more I loved her story. Miss Bangor explained that one of her biggest influences is her mother, who is a teacher as well. As a high school student, Miss Bangor often assisted her mom in the classroom, but she “didn’t really think anything of it.” Miss Bangor divulged that “it wasn’t until college where I started taking English classes. That I was like,  ‘I really like this.’ ” For a brief period, Miss Bangor considered obtaining an English degree. In order to pair her love of English with a career, Miss Bangor decided that teaching would be a great way to share her passion with others. 

As the interview continued, Miss Bangor was not afraid to get nerdy. When asked about her literary inspirations, Miss Bangor enthusiastically gushed about none other than William Shakespeare:  “That literature, just the way it’s written… I love Alchemy, and Shakespeare just writes in Alchemy terms.” Recently, Miss Bangor has been moved by World War I poetry, she states that “it totally shifted and changed, even the way I teach… it gets me every time.” Another passion of Miss Bangor’s is her German Shepherd, Noble. When asked what she’d bring with her to a desert island, she immediately responded “Noble, 100% my dog!”

Miss Bangor is also a Renaissance Woman. Over quarantine, she tackled many home improvement projects, her favorite being a glass shower door: “It was so hard! It took us eight hours, but it’s so rewarding.” Along with the piano, Miss Bangor plays the African Drums, a hobby that she got into three years ago. Miss Bangor admitted that her favorite way to de-stress is through dance, especially African style dance that is performed to the beat of drums.  Miss Bangor additionally acknowledged her love of Moana, she said “I think my students are sick of hearing it.  That is my favorite movie I’ve ever seen.” 

One thing that was made obvious throughout this entire interview was Miss Bangor’s love for her students. When asked what she wants for her students, she said “I want them to become not only better readers and writers, but better people.” Miss Bangor explained that along with teaching content, she wants to teach her students how to be happy.  Miss Bangor strives to create a classroom where students are not afraid to be curious and ask questions. “I want them to be discovering themselves, not only through contact but interaction… I think it’s important.” In addition to these statements, Miss Bangor described the many benefits to being a teacher saying, “I think the most rewarding thing is when you see them get it. … When I see how a student learns, I love that.” These remarks are a testament to Miss Bangor’s unrelenting devotion to her students, and their success. Having a teacher like Miss Bangor is not just beneficial to her students. A teacher like Miss Bangor brightens a whole community.

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